Alien Storm (Genesis) Credits Select Cheat Tool Version 1.1
A command-line tool that computes some stuff regarding the Genesis Alien Storm game's credits select cheat.
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While doing the usual adminitrative tasks on TCRF, in mid-May 2022, a page in particular captured my attention. It was a Notes page detailing the algorithm behind the Genesis Alien Storm's credit select cheat, and as it didn't examine it deeply, decided to do it in some extent with a C++ program.

This program computes:

The Algorithm

A disassembly of the algorithm can be found on its Notes page. Essentially, considering only the cheat computation logic, it does:

  1. Initialize a 16-bit memory location to 0x0000
  2. XOR it with the current pressed button's code in memory if any (any button except Start is allowed)
  3. Replace its content with a unitary right bit-shift of itself
  4. If before doing step #3 its least significant bit was set, XOR it with 0x8810
  5. Repeat from step #2 until its value is equal to 0x3929

Safe Solutions

A valid solution consists in a button sequence that involves pressing Up, Down, Left, Right, C, A, B done using a standard controller. Ones that contain the Left and Right buttons may accidentally remap buttons in the Options menu, leading to a failed cheat. Sequences that don't involve pressing the Left or Right buttons are safe, and are called as such inside the program's code and there too.

Rainbow Table

The very first thing this program does is caching the algorithm inside a rainbow table in RAM, done inside ComputeRainbowTable.cpp, to avoid stressing the CPU by doing repetititve computations.

It's not stored inside a file, as it's needed only internally by the program.

Minimum Solution Lengths

After having computed the rainbow table, the next step is to compute minimum solution lengths regardless of the starting internal state value (but still depending on the final one).

Are computed by an iterative approach, inside ComputeMinimumSolutionLengths.cpp, for every possible starting value that the internal state can have.

Due to the algorithm's nature, these lengths can be used to

Are not stored inside a file, as are needed only internally by the program.

Shortest Button Sequence Length

For an initializer of 0x0000, the shortest button sequence that yields to a successful cheat is 9, as was already known. So, the program will find all the valid solutions of this length.

Computing Solutions

After everything is ready, the program computes all the solutions of length 9 in ComputeSolutions.cpp and saves them inside a CSV file. Safe ones are stored into a separate file from the one containig all of them.

The total number of length 9 ones is just 1724 (only 0.00022055% of all the possible button combinations of length 9), where the safe ones are just 89 (only 5.16241% of the all the solutions of length 9).

Recursive Search Pruning

Minimum solution lengths can be used to prune the solution search algorithm by skipping all the branches that yield to a solution with a longer minimum length that what is left to compute. For example, if at a certain depth an internal state with a minimum solution length of 12 is encountered and only 8 inputs are left, there is no need to branch to it recursively as can be determined in advance that will not lead to any solution for needing more inputs than what is left.

On searching for solutions of length 9, this pruning technique reduces the algorithm's maximum number of iterations from 47079207 to just 23128 (approximately only the 0.05% of the former).

Such tables are saved inside CSV files before computing minimum length solutions, one for all solutions and another for only safe ones, from ComputePruneTables.cpp.

Minimum Length Solutions' Properties

For an internal state initializer of 0x0000, solutions of minimum length have some interesting properties that can be explained by knowing the minimum solution length that is yielded by some branches.

  • All the solutions of length 9 begin with Up.

    For an internal state of 0x0000, a solution length of 9 and no input before, the following prune table can be created:

    Initial State Button Pressed Resulting State Cached Remaining Depth Actual Remaining Depth Decision
    0x0000 Up 0x8810 8 8 OK
    0x0000 Down 0x0001 10 8 PRUNED
    0x0000 Left 0x0002 10 8 PRUNED
    0x0000 Right 0x0004 10 8 PRUNED
    0x0000 C 0x0008 10 8 PRUNED
    0x0000 A 0x0010 10 8 PRUNED
    0x0000 B 0x0020 10 8 PRUNED

    Having a solution that begins with something else than Up means having a minimum length of 11 (cached remaining depth + 1 input already considered), thus being incompatible with solutions of length 9.

  • All the solutions of length 9 cannot have Up as the second button to press.

    For an internal state of 0x8810, a solution length of 9 and an Up input before, the following prune table can be created:

    Initial State Button Pressed Resulting State Cached Remaining Depth Actual Remaining Depth Decision
    0x8810 Up 0xCC18 11 7 PRUNED
    0x8810 Down 0x4409 7 7 OK
    0x8810 Left 0x440A 7 7 OK
    0x8810 Right 0x440C 7 7 OK
    0x8810 C 0x4400 7 7 OK
    0x8810 A 0x4418 7 7 OK
    0x8810 B 0x4428 7 7 OK

    Having a solution that begins with an Up, Up pattern means having a minimum length of 13 (cached remaining depth + 2 inputs already considered), thus being incompatible with solutions of length 9.


Well, I have to say that this program was fun to write, also because I terribly like analyzing algorithms of various kind. I believe some parts should have been more detailed, but looks enough.

May 31st, 2022