You can find more information about using the Derive computer algebra system to teach, learn, and do mathematics from the following sources:

The Derive Web Site

For the latest information about Derive visit the!JumpHtml(`') web site.  At this site you can

       learn the major capabilities of Derive.

       examine the first two chapters of the Derive manual.

       download a trial version of Derive.

       review the Derive technical support options.

       check out features recently added to Derive.

       update your copy of Derive to the latest version.

       download the latest utility files contributed by users.

       find a list of math textbooks based on Derive.

       link to other web sites of interest to Derive users.

       join or post to various Derive discussion groups.

The International Derive and CAS-TI User Group

An independent, international user group was established in 1991 as a forum for the exchange of ideas within the growing community of Derive and TI-CAS users.  Members receive a subscription to The Derive Newsletter published four times a year.  The newsletter includes articles written by Derive and CAS-TI enthusiasts explaining how to make the best use of these computer algebra systems.  The editor always welcomes contributions.

For more information visit the user groups web site at!JumpHtml(`') or email the editor, Josef Böhm, at

The Derive Electronic Discussion List

Derive-news is an electronic mailing list established to promote the discussion of issues related to Derive.  To join the mailing list, send a one line e-mail message of the form

JOIN derive-news YourFirstName YourLastName

to the address  To contribute to the Derive-news mailing list, send e-mail to the address  For more information visit the Derive-news web site at!JumpHtml(`'). It contains amongst other things, access to stored archives messages.  This page also permits you to post to the list, change your personal membership settings and access files associated with the list.

The Publishers of Derive

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Soft Warehouse Europe

Educational and Productivity Solutions (E&PS)

Wienerstraße 482

7800 Banner Drive

A-4030 Linz, Austria (Europe)

Dallas, Texas 75251 (USA)

phone:  +43-732-304-2588

phone:  1-800-TI-CARES (1-800-842-2737)

fax:  +43-732-304-258-99





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