Click on the Axes tab of the Options > Display commands dialog box to control the display of axes lines, labels, and titles in the 2D-plot window.

Axes labels are the numbered tick marks displayed along the axes.  The display of the axes lines and labels can be turned on or off.  The default initial setting is to have the axes lines and labels turned on.  The titles of the axes are displayed at the positive ends of the axes.  The default initial titles of the horizontal and vertical axes are x and y, respectively.

The Axes tab displays the following fields:


       Click the On button to turn on the display of the axes lines.

       Click the Off button to turn off the display of the axes lines.

       Click the Color button to select the color of the axes lines.


       Click the On button to turn on the display of the axes labels.  As many labels as possible are put on the axes lines, using scientific notation where appropriate.

       Click the Off button to turn off the display of the axes labels.

       Click the Color button to select the color of the axes labels.

       In the Horizontal scale factor field, enter the scale factor for the horizontal axis.  The default horizontal axis scale factor is 1.

       In the Vertical scale factor field, enter the scale factor for the horizontal axis.  The default vertical axis scale factor is 1.


       In the Horizontal axis field, enter the title for the horizontal axis.  Leave this field blank if no title is desired.  The default initial horizontal axis title is x.

       In the Vertical axis field, enter the title for the vertical axis.  Leave this field blank if no title is desired.  The default initial vertical axis title is y.

       Click the Color button to select the color of the axes titles.

(The underlined button name in a field indicates the default initial setting.)

The axis scale factors make it possible to display axis labels in a unit appropriate for the expression being plotted.  For example, when plotting trigonometric functions, it is often convenient to make the horizontal axis labels multiples of π.  To do this, use the Options > Display > Axes command to set the horizontal axes scale factor to π by clicking on it in the Greek symbol toolbar.  Then click on the icon or press the F6 key to obtain simple multiples of π.

Other 2D-plot Window Options commands31KXD7M 

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