Use the Solve > Expression command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+Shift+E to solve the highlighted equation, inequality, or system of equations algebraically or numerically.  This command displays a dialog box having the following fields:

Solutions Variables:  Click on the desired solution variables to select them.  To deselect a variable that was inadvertently selected, click on it again.

Solution Method:

       Click the Algebraically button to use strictly algebraic solution methods.

       Click the Numerically button to use strictly numeric solution methods.

       Click the Either button to use algebraic methods and then numeric methods, if necessary.

Solution Domain:

       Click the Complex button to return all solutions.

       Click the Real button to return only solutions not having an imaginary component.

       Click the Bounds button to a single solution restricted to a specified interval.  This option is only available if the Numerically solution method is selected.

Solution Bounds:

       In the Upper field, enter an upper bound on the solution.

       In the Lower field, enter a lower bound on the solution.

Click on the Solve button, press Alt+S, or press the Enter key to solve the highlighted expression for the selected variables.  Click on the OK button to generate an unsimplified call on the SOLVE or NSOLVE function.  Click on the Cancel button or press the Esc key to abort the command.

Related topics:

       Solving Equations and Inequalities AlgebraicallySolving_Equations_and_Inequalities_Algebraically 

       Solving Equations NumericallySolving_Equations_Numerically 

       Solving Systems of EquationsSolving_Systems_of_Equations 

Other Solve commandsSolve_commands 

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