The inverse hyperbolic functions simplify to equivalent expressions involving logarithms.  The following simplified results assume that domain of z has been declared complex.

ASINH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic sine of z.  ASINH(z) simplifies to

LN((z  + 1) + z)

ACOSH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic cosine of z.  ACOSH(z) simplifies to

2·LN((z - 1) + (z + 1)) - LN(2)

ATANH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z.  ATANH(z) simplifies to

 LN(z + 1)     LN(1 - z) 
——————————— - ———————————
     2             2     

ACOTH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of z.  ACOTH(z) simplifies to

     z + 1   
     z - 1   

ASECH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic secant of z.  ASECH(z) simplifies to

        1 - z        z + 1           
2·LN((———————) + (———————)) - LN(2)
          z            z             

ACSCH(z) is the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of z.  ACSCH(z) simplifies to

         z  + 1        
    z·(————————) + 1  

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