Use the 3D-plot window Set > Plot Range > Minimum/maximum command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+R to examine and/or set the plot range parameters.  The dialog box displays the current minimum, maximum, and scale of the plot range in the x, y, and z directions, and invites you to enter new ones.

After you enter new plot range parameters, press OK to accept the new values.  The plot window will be redrawn and all expressions replotted.  Press Reset to restore the default plot range parameters (i.e. -5 for the minimums, 5 for the maximums, and 2 for the scales).  Press Cancel to cancel the command and make no changes to the plot range.

You can also change the plot range parameters using the zoom commands on the plot windows command toolbar or by the function keys (see the Set > Plot Range > Length/center commandWIHTBE for details).

Related topics: Framing 3D PlotsFraming_3D_Plots 

Other 3D-plot Window Set commands9A4H8F 

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