Click on the Points tab of the Options > Display commands dialog box to control how points generated by Data Point PlotsYI._GS are displayed.  Only subsequent plots will be affected by these settings.  The Points tab displays the following fields:


       Click the Yes button to connect the points generated by data point plots with line segments.  Use the Line Type field to select the Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, or DashDotDot style of the line segments.

       Click the No button to not connect the points generated by data point plots with line segments.


       Click the Small button to display plot points as single pixels.

       Click the Medium button to display plot points as 3 by 3 squares of pixels.

       Click the Large button to display plot points as 5 by 5 squares of pixels.

(The underlined button name in a field indicates the default initial setting.)

Other 2D-plot Window Options commands31KXD7M 

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