Use the Angular Unit field of the Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP to select the unit (Degree or Radian) used to express angles when expressions are simplified.  The factory default angular unit mode is Radian.  For example, in Radian mode


simplifies to π/6; whereas in Degree mode, it simplifies to 30°.  However, in either angular unit mode, the above expression approximates to 0.5235987755.

When a new unit of angular measurement is selected, an expression of the form

Angle := unit

is generated, where unit is Degree or Radian.  The angular unit can also be changed by entering on the expression entry line an expression of the above form using upper and lower case exactly as shown.

Note that in either angular unit mode, angles can be entered in radians using the constant π, or in degrees using the operator °.  π can be entered by clicking on it on the math symbol toolbar, pressing Ctrl+P, or by typing pi on the expression entry line.  ° can be entered by clicking on it on the math symbol toolbar, pressing Ctrl+O, or by typing deg on the expression entry line.  For example, in either Degree or Radian mode,



SIN(45 deg)

both simplify to 2/2.

Other Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP fields

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