Use the Simplification tab of the Options > Mode Settings command or press Ctrl+M to view and/or modify the state variable settings that affect the simplification of mathematical expressions.  The Simplification tab displays the following fields and check boxes:

       Exponential fieldExponential_field 

       Logarithm fieldLogarithm_field 

       Trigonometry fieldTrigonometry_field 

       Trig Powers fieldTrig_Powers_field 

       Angular Unit fieldAngular_Unit_field 

       Branch fieldBranch_field 

       Precision fieldPrecision_field 

       Display Steps check boxDisplay_Steps_mode 

       Display Rules check boxDisplay_Rules_mode 

Click on the Reset button and then on the OK button generate assignment statements that will restore the Derive state variables that affect the simplification of mathematical expressions to their factory default settings.  Click on the Reset All button to generate assignment statements that will restore all the Derive state variables to their factory default settings.  For more information about state variables see Using and Saving State VariablesUsing_and_Saving_State_Variables.

Other Algebra Window Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands 

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