Use the 3D-plot windows Insert > Annotation command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press the F12 key to insert a new annotation the active plot window.  The command's dialog box displays the following:

       In the Text field enter the desired text for the annotation.  Press Ctrl+Enter to move the cursor down a line and make a multi-line annotation.  Characters on the Greek and math symbol toolbars can be entered by clicking on them.

       Click on the Font button to change the font type, style, and size used to display the text.

       Click on the Color button to change the color used to display the text.

       Check the Draw behind plots box to hide the annotation whenever it is behind the plot.

Use the Edit > Annotation command3PDJEI to edit an annotation.  Use the Edit > Delete Annotation command111SM_N to delete an annotation.

Other 3D-plot Window Insert commandsA6H8Y1 

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