Use the Insert > Slider Bar command to add a new slider bar to the plot window.  Fields are provided for entering a variable name, minimum and maximum values, and the number of intervals for the slider bar.  Also you have the option to update plots continuously while moving the slider bar pointer.  

To change the parameters of a slider bar bring up a popup menu by a right mouse click within the slider bar or by pressing Shift+F10, and click Edit.

To close a slider bar click on the close button on the top right side of the slider bar, or bring up a popup menu by a right mouse click within the slider bar or by pressing Shift+F10, and click Delete.  

Multiple slider bars may be created per plot window, but each must have a different variable name.  

Slider bars make it easy to see the effect of changing plot parameters.  For example, to plot the expression

y = SIN(m*x)

as m varies from 1 to 10 in unit steps, create a slider bar for m with a minimum value of 1, a maximum value of 10, and 9 intervals and then issue an Insert > Plot commandB2C2._.  The value of m can be changed by using the mouse to drag the slider bar pointer right or left.  If you click on the title line of the slider bar thus giving it the focus, the value of m can also be changed by using the arrow keys.

Other 2D-plot Window Insert commands2CPNZFK 

Other 3D-plot Window Insert commandsA6H8Y1 

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