Use the Expression display field of the Options > Mode Settings > Output command3L4YH to control how expressions are displayed on the screen or sent to the printer.

Click on the Normal or Compressed radial button to select the display format for expressions.  In normal display format, spaces are used around some operators, like + and -, to enhance the readability of expressions.  In compressed display format, nonessential spaces around operators are eliminated.  Compressed format may make it possible to display a large expression without having to wrap the expression on multiple lines or to scroll it horizontally.  Normal is the factory default display format setting.

The proper symbol to use for the times operator, used to indicate multiplication, is a subject of heated debate and a matter of personal taste.  Therefore, Derive gives you a choice.  Use the Multiplication operator field of the Options > Mode Settings > Output command3L4YH to select the Asterisk, Dot, or Implicit to indicate multiplication.  If Implicit is selected, a space is inserted between operands to indicate multiplication.  Dot is the factory default times operator setting.

When a new display format is selected, this command generates an expression of the form

DisplayFormat := format

where format is Normal or Compressed.  When a new times operator is selected, this command generates an expression of the form

TimesOperator := operator

where operator is Asterisk, Dot, or Implicit.  The display format and times operator can also be changed by entering on the expression entry line expressions of the above form using upper and lower case exactly as shown.

Note that selecting both Compressed display format and the Implicit times operator results in poorly spaced expressions.  For example, examine


using each of the six possible settings provided by the Expression display and Multiplication operator fields of the Options > Mode Settings > Output command3L4YH.

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