Use the Radix field of the Options > Mode Settings > Input command1MJ.MVB to view and/or change the current input base.  Use the Radix field of the Options > Mode Settings > Output command3L4YH to view and/or change the current output base.  

Sometimes it is convenient to convert numbers between radix bases and/or to work with numbers in bases other than base ten.  The above commands make it possible to independently control the base used for entering numbers and the base used for displaying numbers.

The most commonly used radix bases are binary (base two), octal (base eight), decimal (base ten), and hexadecimal (base sixteen).  You can specify a radix base for the above commands by selecting Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hexadecimal from a menu, or by typing in an integer between 2 through 36, inclusive.  In the latter case, enter the integer using decimal (base ten) notation.

When you specify a new input radix base, the Options > Mode Settings > Input command1MJ.MVB generates an expression of the form

InputBase := base

where base is Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal, or an integer between 2 and 36, inclusive.  When you specify a new output radix base, the Options > Mode Settings > Output command3L4YH generates an expression of the form

OutputBase := base

where base is Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal, or an integer between 2 and 36, inclusive.  The input and output radix bases can also be changed by entering on the expression entry line expressions of the above form using upper and lower case exactly as shown.

For radix bases greater than ten, the letter A is used to represent the digit ten, the letter B is used to represent the digit eleven, and so on through the letter Z for the digit thirty-five.  To avoid ambiguity with variables, such numbers that start with a letter are displayed and must be entered using a leading zero (0) digit.  For example, in base sixteen the decimal number fourteen is displayed and must be entered as 0E.

If you enter a number and it displays differently than what you typed, you may have inadvertently changed the input and/or output radix.  You can use one of the above commands to determine the current radix.

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