Use the Edit > Copy command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, right click and select the Copy command, or press Ctrl+C to copy the selected object(s) to the Windows clipboard.  From the clipboard, the selection may be pasted into the same or a completely different worksheet using the Edit > Paste command2MOLZBV.  To paste expressions into a word processor such as Microsoft Word the selection must contain only mathematical expressions.  After pasting, format the text using the Derive Unicode true-type font.  To paste plot or text objects into another program, select and copy only one object at a time to the clipboard.

Additionally, the first expression or subexpression that is highlighted will be copied to the Windows clipboard in one dimensional ASCII format. Ctrl+V can be used to paste this expression or subexpression into any Derive dialog box where a mathematical expression is required (see Entering Mathematical ExpressionsEntering_Mathematical_Expressions).

Other Algebra Window Edit commandsAlgebra_Window_Edit_commands 

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