Mathematical expressions are entered using mathematical functions, operators, and constants (see Built-in Functions and ConstantsBuilt_in_Functions_and_Constants).  Of particular importance are the four basic Numerical OperatorsNumerical_Operators +, , *, and /.  Parentheses are used to control the order operators are applied.  For example, the parentheses in the expression


are necessary to force the addition of 8 and 7 before being multiplied by -2 and then divided by 3.

If you try to enter an expression on the expression entry line and there is a syntax error, a warning message is displayed indicating the type of syntax error.  Also, the cursor is positioned where the error was detected to help locate and correct the error.  Note that the error may actually have occurred anywhere to the left of the cursor on the line.

To easily determine if the parentheses on the expression entry line match, put the cursor on either side of a parenthesis or bracket and use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+Alt+M to toggle back and forth between matching parentheses or brackets.

While entering an expression, you can press the F3 key or right click on the mouse to insert the currently highlighted expression or subexpression on the expression entry line.  Press F4 to insert the currently highlighted expression enclosed in parentheses on the expression entry line.

Note that in the various dialog boxes for entering expressions, the highlighted expression in the active algebra window can be changed at any time.  First click in the algebra window to highlight the desired expression or subexpression (see Selecting Objects and SubexpressionsSelecting_Objects_and_Subexpressions).  Then click on the expression entry line and move the blinking cursor to the desired location before pressing the F3 or F4 key.

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