SQRT(z) is the square root of the expression z.  SQRT(z) is equivalent to z^(1/2).  Square roots are displayed using the symbol, and can be entered by clicking on the on the math symbol toolbar.  If z is a complex expression, then the phase of SQRT(z) in radians lies in the interval (-π/2, π/2].

The rules used to simplify expressions involving square roots take into account the current branch selection (see the Branch fieldBranch_field of the Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP) and the declared domain of variables (see the Author > Variable Domain command8MNT4Y).

#e is the base of the natural logarithms (2.71828...).  #e displays as ê, and can be entered by clicking on the ê on the math symbol toolbar.  You are free to use the unembellished variable name e to represent energy, eccentricity, etc.

EXP(z) is the exponential of the expression z.  EXP(z) simplifies to ê^z.  

Use the Exponential fieldExponential_field of the Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP to control the transformations used to simplify expressions involving exponentials.

Other Built-in Functions and ConstantsBuilt_in_Functions_and_Constants 

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