If the currently selected object in the active worksheet is a mathematical expression, use the Edit > Expression command or press the Enter key to edit it.

       If the expression is a vector, each element of the vector is displayed on a separate line in a dialog box like that of the Author > Vector command.UGCR4.  You are also given the opportunity to change the number of elements of the vector.

       If the expression is a matrix, each element of the matrix is displayed on a separate line in a two dimensional format in a dialog box like that of the Author > Matrix commandR349O.  You are also given the opportunity to change the number of rows and columns of the matrix.

       If the expression is a variable assignment, the variable name and assigned value are displayed and ready for editing in a dialog box like that of the Author > Variable Value command2SGW02B.

       If the expression is a variable declaration, the variable name and declared domain are displayed and ready for editing in a dialog box like that of the Author > Variable Domain command8MNT4Y.

       If the expression is a function definition, the function name, arguments and definition are displayed and ready for editing in a dialog box like that of the Author > Function Definition command1ER8JVI.

       Otherwise, the expression is displayed on the expression entry line ready for editing.

The Edit > Expression command replaces the selected expression with the newly edited one.  Note that this command is not accessible if an expression is not selected.

Other Algebra Window Edit commandsAlgebra_Window_Edit_commands 

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