Use the Edit > Text or Plot command to edit the currently selected text or plot object in the active worksheet.

       If the selected object is a plot object, the plot window for that object is activated allowing you to make changes to the plot window.  When you are finished, you have the option to update the plot object with a new plot image.

       If the selected object is a text object, the blinking cursor is moved to the beginning of the text object ready for editing.  You can use the formatting toolbar to change the font style, size, justification, and color of the text.  Use the Window > Customize > Toolbars command8SF280 to turn on or off the toolbar.  When you have finished editing the text object, click outside the text object or press the Esc key.

       If the selected object is an OLE object, the commands for the OLE object are activated.

The Edit > Text or Plot command replaces the selected object with the newly edited one.  Note that this command is not accessible if a text or plot object is not selected.

Other Algebra Window Edit commandsAlgebra_Window_Edit_commands 

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