Use the Author > Expression command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press the F2 key to insert a new mathematical expression at the end of the active worksheet.  The cursor is moved to the expression entry line allowing you to type in and edit an expression (see Entering Mathematical ExpressionsEntering_Mathematical_Expressions).

When satisfied with the expression, on the expression entry bar

       click on the icon or press the Enter key to add the expression to the end of the active worksheet;

       click on the icon to simplify the expression and add the result to the end of the active worksheet;

       click on the icon or press Ctrl+Enter to add both the unsimplified and simplified forms of the expression to the end of the active worksheet;

       click on the icon to approximate the expression and add the result to the end of the active worksheet; or

       click on the icon or press Shift+Enter to add both the unapproximated and approximated forms of the expression to the end of the active worksheet.

Other Author commandsAuthor_commands 

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