Use the Edit > Mark and Copy command or press Ctrl+Shift+M to copy a rectangular region of the active window to the Windows clipboard in bitmap image format.  Once a Derive screen image is in the clipboard, you can paste the image into any Windows program that accepts graphics images, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Paint.

After issuing the Edit > Mark and Copy command the mouse pointer will change into a large cross.  Move the mouse cross to the desired upper left corner of the rectangular region, then hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse cross to the desired lower right corner of the rectangular region and release the mouse button.  The rectangular region will be copied to the clipboard.

If you want to copy the entire Windows screen to the clipboard in bitmap image format press the PrtSc (Print Screen) key.

If you want to copy just the Derive application screen to the Windows clipboard in bitmap image format press Alt+PrtSc.

Use the algebra windows Edit > Copy command1NC0U5N to copy the selected objects in the active worksheet to the Windows clipboard.

Use the plot windows Edit > Copy Plot Window commandTZKOCB to copy an image of a plot window to the Windows clipboard in bitmap image format.

Other Algebra Window Edit commandsAlgebra_Window_Edit_commands 

Other Plot Window Edit commandsPlot_Window_Edit_commands 

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