Use the File > Open command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+O to find and open an existing Derive worksheet in a new algebra window.  This command allows you to select a dfw or mth file using the standard Windows Open file dialog box.  By default, only files with an extension name of dfw or mth are displayed.

If a dfw file is opened, all the worksheet objects (i.e. mathematical expressions, plot images, text, and OLE objects), definitions, assignments, declarations, and state variables existing at the time of the save will be restored.  If an mth file is opened, only the mathematical expressions in the worksheet and their corresponding annotations existing at the time of the save will be restored.

The Derive title bar at the top of the new window will display the word Algebra followed by the number of the algebra window and the name of the worksheet.

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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