Use the algebra window File commands to open and close a worksheet, to load and save an mth or other file, to print or preview the objects in the active worksheet, or to exit Derive.





       Save AsKPANNO... 

       Load > Math FileI8.CN8... 

       Load > Data FileE4PL1X... 

       Load > Demo File11YMWXT... 

       Load > Utility File1_O7U5P... 

       Write commandsI2E73C... 

       TI Handheld > Import fromJ0QO4.... 

       TI Handheld > Export to7560_NC... 

       Page Setup2JHN3ZO... 

       Print Preview8Z7VBR 


A list of the dfw and mth files for the most recently used worksheets is displayed before the File > Exit command.  Up to four files are listed and a number precedes each file.  Clicking on the file name or entering the number of the file makes it easy to reopen the corresponding worksheets.


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