The following are the mathematical operators in Derive.  The first column shows how the operators are displayed on the screen.  The second column shows how the operators can be typed in on the expression entry line.  Alternatively, the operators can be entered by selecting them off the math symbol toolbar or by pressing the indicated control key (hotkey) combination:

Mathematical OperatorsNumerical_Operators

u + v        u + v        u plus v

-u        -u        minus u

u - v        u - v        u minus v

u · v        u * v        u times v

u / v        u / v        u divided by v

u ^ v        u ^ v        u raised to v

vu        SQRT(u)        square root of u (Ctrl+Q)

u%        u%        u percent

u!        u!        u factorial

u°        u deg        u degrees (Ctrl+O)

±u        "+-"u        plus or minus u

'x        'x        quote x

Relational OperatorsRelational_Operators

u = v        u = v        u equals v

u v        u /= v        u not equal v

u < v        u < v        u less than v

u v        u <= v        u less than or equal to v

u > v        u > v        u greater than v

u v        u >= v        u greater than or equal to v

Boolean OperatorsBoolean_Constants_and_Operators

(If operands are integers, bit-wise logical operations are performed on them.)

¬ p        NOT p        negation of p

p q        p AND q        conjunction of p and q

p q        p OR q        disjunction of p and q

p q        p XOR q        exclusive or of p and q

p q        p IMP q        logical implication of p and q

p q        p IFF q        logical equivalence of p and q

Set OperatorsSet_Operators

u`        u`        complement of set u

u v        u INTERSECTION v        intersection of sets u and v (Ctrl+N)

u v        u UNION v        union of sets u and v (Ctrl+U)

u \ v        u \ v        set difference of sets u and v

u v        u SUBSET v        true if u is a subset of v; otherwise false

Vector OperatorsVector_Operations

u · v        u . v        sum of products of elements of vectors u and v

u v        u DOTPRODUCT v        dot product of vectors u and v

u × v        u CROSSPRODUCT v        cross product of vectors u and v

v n        v SUB n        nth element of vector v (Ctrl+B)

v [n1,...,nm]        v SUB [n1,...,nm]        vector of elements n1 through nm of vector v

Matrix OperatorsMatrix_Operations

A`        A`        transpose of matrix A (Ctrl+T)

A · B        A . B        product of matrices A and B

v · A        v . A        product of vector v and matrix A

A · v        A . v        product of matrix A and vector v

A ROW n        A ROW n        nth row of matrix A

A COL n        A COL n        nth column of matrix A

A n        A SUB n        nth row of matrix A

A ↓↓ n        A SUB SUB n        nth column of matrix A

A n m        A SUB n SUB m        element in nth row and mth column of matrix A

A [n1,...,nm]        A SUB [n1,...,nm]        matrix of rows n1 through nm of matrix A

A ↓↓ [n1,...,nm]        A SUB SUB [n1,...,nm]        matrix of columns n1 through nm of matrix A

Assignment OperatorsProcedural_Programming

x :=        declare x an arbitrary variable

x := u        declare x a variable and assign it the value u

F(x, y, ...) :=        declare F an arbitrary function with formal variables x, y, ...

F(x, y, ...) := u        declare F a function with formal variables x, y, ... defined as u(x, y, ...)

F v := u        declare F a function of  any number of variables defined as u(x, y, ...)

x : domain        declare x an arbitrary variable in the given domain

x : domain interval        declare x an arbitrary variable in the given domain and interval

Update OperatorsProgramming_Functions

x :+ u        assign variable x the value x+u

x :- u        assign variable x the value x-u

x :* u        assign variable x the value x·u

x :/ u        assign variable x the value x/u

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