Several mathematical constants are defined in Derive.  The first column shows how the constants are displayed on the screen.  The second column shows how the constants can be typed in on the expression entry line.  

The following are the built-in Derive constants.  The first 5 built-in constants can also be entered by pressing the indicated control key ("hotkey") combination or by selecting them off the math symbol toolbar.

π        pi  (Ctrl+P)        area of unit circle (3.14159...)

e        #e  (Ctrl+E)        base of natural logarithms (2.71828...)

i        #i  (Ctrl+I)        imaginary unit (square root of -1)

       inf  (Ctrl+0)        plus infinity

γ        euler_gamma        Euler's constant (0.577215...)

true        true        logical constant true

false        false        logical constant false

unit_circle        unit_circle        arbitrary point on unit circle

The following constants are defined in the VectorMatrixFunctions.mthI._DEZ utility file:

cylindrical        cylindrical        cylindrical geometry matrix r, θ, z

spherical        spherical        spherical geometry matrix r, θ, Φ

i_        i_        [1, 0, 0]: unit vector for x-axis

j_        j_        [0, 1, 0]: unit vector for y-axis

k_        k_        [0, 0, 1]: unit vector for z-axis

The following constant is defined in the GraphicsFunctions.mthZG4ZTI utility file:

axes        axes        3D coordinate axes

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