If the expression being plotted is a vector of two univariate expressionUnivariate_expressions dependent on the same variable, the 2D-plot window Insert > Plot commandB2C2._ displays a dialog box with the following fields:

Minimum value:  Enter the minimum value for the parameter of a parametric plot (see Parametric PlotsParametric_Plots ) or the minimum value for the angle in a polar plot (see Polar PlotsPolar_Plots).  The default initial minimum value is a numerical approximation of -π in radian angle mode and -180 in degree angle mode.

Maximum value:  Enter the maximum value for the parameter of a parametric plot (see Parametric PlotsParametric_Plots ) or the maximum value for the angle in a polar plot (see Polar PlotsPolar_Plots).  The default initial maximum value is a numerical approximation of π in radian angle mode and 180 in degree angle mode.

When changing the minimum and maximum parameter values, use radians if in radian angle mode and degrees if in degree angle mode.  See the Angular Unit fieldAngular_Unit_field for information on changing the angle mode.

Plot Mode:

       Click the Line button to plot the expression as a continuous line.

       Click the Points button to plot the expression as a series of discrete points.


       Click the Small button to display a data point as a 1 pixel rectangle.

       Click the Medium button to display a data point as a 3 by 3 pixel filled rectangle.

       Click the Large button to display a data point as a 5 by 5 pixel filled rectangle.

       In the Number of field, enter the number of discrete points to plot.

Apply parameters to rest of plot list:  This option is displayed at the bottom of the Parametric Plot Parameters dialog box only if the expression being plotted is a multi-element vector.  Check this option if you wish to apply the above parameters to the remaining parametric plots.  Do not check this option if you wish to specify different parameters for the remaining parametric plots.

(The underlined button name in a field indicates the default initial setting.)

Related topics:

Polar PlotsPolar_Plots 

Parametric PlotsParametric_Plots 

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