Options > Plot Real and Imaginary Parts command
Click on the Options > Plot Real and Imaginary Parts command to toggle on or off the simultaneous plotting of the real and imaginary parts of an expression dependent on a single real-valued variable. If this option is on, the imaginary part is plotted in the same color as the real part, but using a bolder line. If this option is off, only real values of expressions are plotted; complex values are not plotted. For example, plot
with plot real and imaginary parts mode turned off, and then again with it turned on.
If complex intermediate values occur while approximating a real-valued expression, round-off errors can introduce a spurious imaginary component in the result. If this phenomenon occurs while plotting a real-valued expression, turn plot real and imaginary parts mode on so the real-values of the expression can be plotted, and the small relative size of the imaginary component can be confirmed. For example, with both the Simplify Before Plotting49ZWMQ and the Approximate Before PlottingEVZ132 modes turned off, plot
with plot real and imaginary parts mode turned off, and then again with it turned on.
Other 2D-plot Window Options commands31KXD7M
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