Click on the Options > Follow Cross command to toggle on or off follow cross mode.

If you are interested in a part of the plot not visible in the 2D-plot window, you may want to turn on follow cross mode.  In this mode, the window "follows" the cross when it is moved outside the window borders.  You can move the cross outside the window borders by using the Set > Cross Position9IA1L7, Set > Plot Range > Length/center1LDQ_MT, or Set > Plot Range > Minimum/maximum2L98HL commands, or by pressing the arrow direction keys.

In follow cross mode, if the cross is moved just outside a window border, the window will be scrolled by 1/3 of the window dimension in the appropriate direction.  If the cross is moved far from any window border, the window will be centered on the new cross position.

Other 2D-plot Window Options commands31KXD7M 

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