In Derive, a program is a mth file of related function definitions and variable assignments.  The utility files distributed with Derive are examples of such programs.  To use a program, load the mth file into an algebra window using the File Load Utility command1_O7U5P.  Once loaded, the functions and variables defined in the mth file can be used in mathematical expressions in the same way that the built-in functions and constants are used.

See the Author > Variable Value command2SGW02B for a description of how to assign values to variables.  See the Author > Function Definition command1ER8JVI for a description of how to define functions.

These topics describe how to write your own programs using the various tools provided by Derive:

The ITERATES FunctionThe_ITERATES_Function 

The ITERATE FunctionThe_ITERATE_Function 

IF ExpressionsIF_Expressions 

Nested IF ExpressionsNested_IF_Expressions 

Boolean Test ClausesBoolean_Test_Clauses 

Recursive FunctionsRecursive_Functions 

Mutual RecursionMutual_Recursion 

Procedural ProgrammingProcedural_Programming 


Other Help Contentsidh_Contents 

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