Use the File > Load > Utility File command or the LOAD function to load the function definitions and variable assignments in an mth utility file into the active algebra window. The command allows you pick a utility file using the standard Windows Open file dialog box.  By default, only files with an extension name of mth are displayed.

Given the full path name of a mth file as a string variable, the LOAD function loads the function definitions and variable assignments in the file.  For example,


loads the NumberTheoryFunctions.mth utility file from the \Derive6\Math directory on drive C.

Although available for use, the definitions and assignments in the utility file are not displayed in the algebra window, thereby saving space.  See Utility > File FunctionsG5BS2R for a detailed description of each utility file distributed with Derive.

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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