Use the Options > Display > Rotation command to control the speed and smoothness of plot rotation in the 3D-plot window.  The dialog box displays the following:

       In the Increment field, enter the number of degrees the 3D plot is rotated each increment.

       In the Period field, enter the number of milliseconds between each rotation increment.

       Click the Reset button to enter the default initial settings of the rotation increment and period.

Increasing the number of degrees the plot is rotated each increment increases the rotation speed, but makes the movement jerky.  Decreasing the number of milliseconds between each rotation increment also increases the rotation speed, but requires more computer processing time thus leaving less time for other tasks.  Other factors that affect plot rotation are the number of 3D plots being rotated and the number of grid lines of each plot.

Use the Options > Rotate Plots command13BLFB_, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+T to toggle on or off the continuous rotation of plots in the 3D-plot window.

Other 3D-plot Window Options commands1M.H2H

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