Use the following Options > Display commands or press the F11 key to control 3D-plot window display options:






Use the following Options > Printing commands to control the printing of the 3D-plot window:

       Header and FooterE2TCFL... 

       Page Setup1LNIIYP... 

🗹        Black and White OnlyIR1L5H 

Use the following Options commands to toggle on and off various parameters of the 3D-plot window:

🗹        Simplify Before Plotting49ZWMQ 

🗹        Approximate Before PlottingEVZ132 

🗹        Trace Plots1SQ_NC 

🗹        Annotate New Plots18ZRSUD 

🗹        Rotate Plots13BLFB_ 

🗹        Autoscale New Plots10DHZF7 

Other 3D-plot Window CommandsAR2HOH 

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