Note that the highlight (selection) is automatically moved to each new mathematical expression, plot or text object added to the worksheet in the algebra window, except for those expressions resulting from the various Declare commands.

Use one of the following methods to select a single object:

       Click once on the object using the left mouse button.

       Press (press the up arrow key) to select the object above the currently selected object.

       Press (press the down arrow key) to select the object below the currently selected object.

       Press Ctrl+Home (press the home key while holding down the control key) to select the first object in the worksheet.

       Press Ctrl+End (press the end key while holding down the control key) to select the last object in the worksheet.

       Press PgUp (press the page-up key) to scroll the display up and then select the object at the top of the algebra window.

       Press PgDn (press the page-down key) to scroll the display down and then select the object at the bottom of the algebra window.

       Press Ctrl+PgUp (press the page-up key while holding down the control key) to select the object at the top of the algebra window.

       Press Ctrl+PgDn (press the page-down key while holding down the control key) to select the object at the bottom of the algebra window.

Use one of the following methods to select multiple contiguous objects:

       Click the left mouse button once outside the selected object and drag the mouse up or down to highlight previous or subsequent objects.

       With the currently selected object as an anchor, press and hold the Shift key and click on the last object in the range of objects to be selected.

       Press Ctrl+Shift+ to include the object above the currently selected objects in the selected objects.

       Press Ctrl+Shift+ to include the object below the currently selected objects in the selected objects.

       Press Ctrl+Shift+Home to include all the objects above the currently selected objects in the selected objects.

       Press Ctrl+Shift+End to include all the objects below the currently selected objects in the selected objects.

Use the following method to select multiple non-contiguous objects:

       Press and hold the Ctrl key and then click once with the left mouse button on each object to add to the selection.

To highlight a subexpression of an expression, highlight the expression and then use one of the following methods:

       Repeatedly click the left mouse button on a subexpression until only the desired subexpression is highlighted.

       Press Shift+, Shift+, Shift+ or Shift+ (press one of the arrow keys while holding down the shift key) to highlight the desired subexpression.

       Double click the left mouse button on a subexpression to highlight the smallest subexpression at the mouse point.

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