While entering mathematical expressions on the expression entry line, you can use the Greek symbol toolbar to enter Greek letters and the math symbol toolbar to enter mathematical symbols.  Click on the desired Greek letter or math symbol to insert it on the expression entry line at the current cursor position.  Use the Window > Customize > Toolbars command8SF280 to turn on and off the Greek and math symbol toolbars.

Alternatively, you can enter Greek letters and math symbols by typing in their equivalent names on the keyboard.  The equivalent keyboard names for all the characters on the Greek and math symbol toolbars is displayed as a tool tip when the mouse cursor is moved over the character.  See Derive ConstantsDerive_Constants and Derive OperatorsDerive_Operators for the equivalent keyboard names of the math symbols.

The equivalent keyboard names for the upper case Greek letters is their Latin name with the first letter in upper case (for example, Gamma for à and Delta for Ä).  The equivalent keyboard names for the lower case Greek letters is their Latin name spelled out in all lower case letters (for example, gamma for ã and delta for ä).  The one exception to this naming convention is pi which denotes the area of the unit circle (i.e. 3.1415...).  To use the lower case Greek letter pi as a variable or function name, it must be entered by selecting it off the Greek symbol toolbar.

Finally, several of the most common mathematical constants and operators can be entered using the following hotkeys by pressing the indicated letter while holding down the Ctrl key:

Control key

Math symbol




area of the unit circle (3.14159...)



base of the natural logarithms (2.71828...)



imaginary unit (square root of 1)


plus infinity



degree postfix operator


set union operator


set intersection operator



matrix transpose/set complement operator


vector/matrix subscript operator


square root operator

Note that the Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+H hotkeys are reserved by Windows for the cut, copy, paste, and backspace operations respectively.

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