Q:        What are the system requirements to run Derive 6.1?

A.         A computer running Microsoft Windows® (XP, 2000, mE or 98) or compatible operating system with a CD ROM drive and 10 megabytes of free space on the hard disk.  Windows 98 computers also require Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater be installed.  The minimum amount of physical RAM memory required to run Derive 6.1 is less than that of Windows.  So, if you have enough memory to run Windows, you have enough memory to run Derive.

Q:        Will Derive 6.1 work on computers running Windows 95 or NT?

A.         No.  Derive 6.1 requires support for Unicode font not provided by earlier versions of Windows.

Q:        Does Derive make use of all the memory in my computer?

A:        Yes.  Derive takes full advantage of the physical (RAM) memory installed on your computer.  However, that does not mean taking all available memory for itself.  In a Windows environment in which other programs, including Windows itself, are running, Derive should not and does not take all the memory.

Thus, when Derive starts up, it determines how much physical memory is available, and then makes a request to Windows to allocate some percentage of that memory for itself.  By default Derive requests 20% of the memory, but you can change that percentage using the Derive Startup Options dialog box.  The percentage chosen should be a compromise between allowing the maximum amount of memory for Derive to store mathematical expressions, and leaving sufficient memory for other programs to run.  Of course, in the event Windows needs more physical memory for other programs, it automatically swaps Derive out of physical memory into virtual memory on the hard disk.

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