Q:        Why dont the Greek letters and mathematical symbols display correctly when Derive runs on network workstations other than the one from which Derive was installed?

A:        The Derive Unicode fonts need to be installed on each network workstation.  Using the fonts program included with Windows, install the four Derive Unicode fonts: Derive Unicode, Derive Unicode Bold, Derive Unicode Italic, and Derive Unicode Bold Italic.  These fonts are defined in the files DerUni_R.TTF, DerUni_B.TTF, DerUni_I.TTF, and DerUni_J.TTF, respectively.  The Derive installation program puts a copy of these files into the \Derive6 directory where Derive6.exe resides.

Q:        How do I install Derive on a computer network?

A:        If you have a network license for Derive, you are authorized to install the software on a network server so it can be run by workstations on the network.  Use the following procedure to install and configure Derive on a network:

1.        Install Derive on the network server.  From any workstation, login as a network supervisor with all rights.  Install Derive in a directory named \Derive6 on the network server. Grant at least read and execute rights to the Derive6 directory to all workstations requiring access to Derive.  Grant execute rights only to the file \Derive6\Derive6.exe to prevent illegal duplication of the Derive program.

2.        Install and register Derive Unicode fonts.  In order for Derive to properly display and print mathematical expressions, the Derive Unicode, Derive Unicode Bold, Derive Unicode Italic, and Derive Unicode Bold Italic fonts must be registered for each workstation on the network.  The Derive setup program automatically installs and registers these fonts in the Windows Fonts directory of the workstations on which the setup program is run.  Thus, the Derive Unicode fonts will automatically be installed and registered on workstations running Windows off the network server that share a common Windows Fonts directory.

However, for those workstations running Windows off a local hard drive or not sharing a common Windows Fonts directory, you will need to manually install the four Derive Unicode fonts. From each workstation requiring access to Derive run the Fonts program in the Windows Control Panel and install the four Derive font files.  These font files can be found in the \Derive6 directory on the network server.  The Fonts program will automatically register the Derive Unicode fonts.

Alternatively, the fonts can be installed on each workstation by running the Derive setup program from each workstation and installing Derive to the same \Derive6 directory on the network server.

3.        Create Derive shortcut icons for each workstation.  The Derive setup program automatically creates a shortcut icon for launching Derive on the desktop of the workstation from which the setup program is run.  For other workstations, you can manually create a shortcut icon for launching Derive.

4.        Configure Derive for each workstation on the network.  The Derive working directory is the directory displayed by the File > Open command7XA11Y.  Since the example files distributed with Derive are stored in the \Derive6\Users directory, it is the default Derive working directory.

The DERIVE Initialization fileDerive_Initialization_File stores the settings used to initialize Derive when it starts.  These settings include the path to the current working directory.  The initialization file, named Derive6.INI, is normally stored in the \Derive6 directory.

If Derive is launched by clicking a shortcut icon on the Windows desktop, Derive searches for the initialization file in the "Start in" directory specified by the properties of the shortcut icon.  To examine and/or change the "Start in" directory, right click on the Derive desktop icon and select the "Properties" option.

Although Derive is loaded from the network server, it actually runs in the physical memory of each workstation.  In order to run Derive along with several Windows applications on workstations with a limited amount of physical memory, you may want to use Derive's Options > Startup command9KBX7S to reduce the amount of memory it uses.

There are two popular configurations for running Derive on a network.  One is to have all the workstations use a common read-only initialization file and a common working directory, so Derive starts in the same exact state for all users.  Use the following procedure to set up Derive for this configuration:

a)        Launch Derive from a workstation having read, write, and execute access to the \Derive6 directory on the network server.

b)        Use the File > Open command7XA11Y to open a DFW or MTH file in the directory on the network server that you want to be the Derive working directory (e.g. you can use the \Derive6\Users directory).  The path to this directory will automatically be saved as the working directory in the Derive initialization file.  At this time you can also make any other changes to Derive that you want saved in the initialization file (for example, you may want to use the Options > Startup command9KBX7S to change the percentage of workstation memory Derive uses when it runs).  Naturally, such changes must be done before the initialization file is made read-only in the next step.

c)        Make the Derive initialization file on the network server be read-only.

d)        On each workstation on the network right click on the Derive shortcut icon and select the "Properties" option.  Then in the "Start in" directory field, enter the full path name of the \Derive6 directory on the network server.  This will cause Derive to use the same read-only initialization file no matter which workstation it is launched from.

The other configuration is for each workstation to have its own copy of the Derive initialization file (with read and write access) and its own working directory.  Use the following procedure on each workstation on the network to set up Derive for this configuration:

a)        Create a working directory for Derive.  The working directory can be on the network server or on the respective workstation.

b)        Copy the files in \Derive6\Users directory on the network server to the newly created working directory.  

c)        Right click on the Derive shortcut icon and select the "Properties" option.  Then in the "Start in" directory field, enter the full path name of the newly created working directory.  This will cause Derive to create and use an initialization file in this working directory.

d)        Launch Derive and use the File > Open command7XA11Y to open a file in the newly created directory to make it the initial working directory.  At this time you can also make any other changes to Derive that you want saved in the initialization file (for example, you may want to use the Options > Startup command9KBX7S to change the percentage of workstation memory Derive uses when it runs).

5.        Limit users.  If your network license for Derive is for fewer workstations than there are on the network, use network metering software to limit the maximum number of instances of Derive that can be run at any one time.

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