The argument of the trigonometric functions is an angle.  Angles can be entered in radians using the constant π, or in degrees using the operator °.  

π is the area of the unit circle (3.14159...).  It can be entered by clicking on the π character on the math symbol toolbar, pressing Ctrl+P, or by typing pi on the expression entry line.  Note that the π character on the Greek symbol bar can be used as a variable or function name and is not the area of the unit circle.

° is the degree operator.  It can be entered by clicking on the ° character on the math symbol toolbar, pressing Ctrl+O, or by typing deg on the expression entry line.  ° is a postfix operator that occurs after its operand.  A degree is equivalent to π/180 radians.  For example, 60° is equivalent to π/3 radians.

SIN(z) is the sine of the angle z.

COS(z) is the cosine of the angle z.

TAN(z) is the tangent of the angle z.  TAN(z) is equal to SIN(z)/COS(z).

COT(z) is the cotangent of the angle z.  COT(z) is equal to COS(z)/SIN(z).

SEC(z) is the secant of the angle z.  SEC(z) simplifies to 1/COS(z).

CSC(z) is the cosecant of the angle z.  CSC(z) simplifies to 1/SIN(z).

Use the Trigonometry fieldTrigonometry_field of the Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP to control the application of the angle-sum and multiple-angle trigonometric transformations during subsequent simplifications.  

Use the Trig Powers fieldTrig_Powers_field of the Options > Mode Settings > Simplification command19_L5FP to control the transformation of powers of sines into cosines and vice versa.  

If you want cosecants and secants in simplified results, use the Simplify > Subexpression Substitution command43P6_RN to replace reciprocals of sines and cosines by cosecants and secants.  

Other Built-in Functions and ConstantsBuilt_in_Functions_and_Constants 

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