A truth table shows each of the truth values of a Boolean expression when its variables are assigned all possible permutations of truth values.  Use the TRUTH_TABLE function to generate a truth table matrix for one or more Boolean expressions.  If p1, p2, ... are truth variables,

TRUTH_TABLE(p1, p2, ..., boolean1, boolean2, ...)

generates a truth table matrix for the Boolean expressions.  For example,

TRUTH_TABLE(p, q, p AND q, p OR q, p XOR q, p IMP q, p IFF q)

simplifies to

  p      q    p q  p q  p q  p q  p q
true   true   true   true   false  true    true  
true   false  false  true   true   false   false  
false  true   false  true   true   true    false  
false  false  false  false  false  true    true  

Other Built-in Functions and ConstantsBuilt_in_Functions_and_Constants 

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