The utility files distributed with Derive define functions and assign constants that supplement the built-in functions and constants.  When a function in any of the utility files listed below is first used, all the definitions and assignments in the file are automatically loaded.  Then the function is evaluated and returns a value, just like it normally would.

If Derive  needs to autoload a utility file, it looks for the file in the directory specified by the Options > Startup command9KBX7S.  If the file is not there, it looks for the file in the \Math subdirectory created when Derive is installed.  If the file is not there, it looks in the \Math subdirectory of the "Start in" directory (also called the working directory) specified by the properties of the desktop icon used to launch Derive.  To determine the "Start in" directory, right click on the Derive desktop icon and select the "Properties" option.

Utility file can be loaded manually using either the File > Load > Math File commandI8.CN8 or the File > Load > Utility File command1_O7U5P.  If the latter load command is used, the file's function definitions and variable assignments are made, but expressions for the definitions and assignments are not added to the algebra window's worksheet.  However, the function definitions can still be examined using the Author > Function Definition command1ER8JVI and variable assignments using the Author > Variable Value command2SGW02B.

       Combinatorial Functions1338PND 

       Equation Solving.S02QQ 

       Linear AlgebraLinear_Algebra 

       Number Theory Functions19ICN1P 

       Rational Approximation12K9KB. 

       Vector and Matrix FunctionsI._DEZ 

       Miscellaneous Functions144O15P 


               Differentiation ApplicationsAUKXVG 

               Integration Applications2W1Y_YU 

               Numerical ApproximationsY5C_1X 

       Differential and Recurrence Equations:

               First-order Ordinary Differentials EquationsOA7SLO 

               Second-order Ordinary Differential EquationsOB7SLO 

               Approximate Solutions of ODEs1NBVQQO 

               Recurrence EquationsOKAKSN 

       Graphics FunctionsZG4ZTI:

               Plotting Areas and IntegralsPlotting_Areas_and_Integrals 

               Coordinate System Conversion FunctionsCoordinate_System_Conversion_Functions 

               Plotting Space Curves and Parametric Surfaces2WQ_YS1 

               Plotting Complex-valued ExpressionsPlotting_Complex_valued_Expressions 

               Plotting Grid Lines and PointsPlotting_Grid_Lines_and_Points 

               Filling PolygonsFilling_Polygons 

       Physical Units and Constants:

               English Units ConversionA31Q0Q 

               Metric Units ConversionD6IIVI 

               Physical Constants1TR3BWS 

       Special Functions:

               Bessel Functions3JDX.V4 

               Elliptic Integrals296HRX 

               Exponentials Integrals7RN4D 

               Fresnel IntegralsXYKLH9 

               Hypergeometric Functions3XSHYO3 

               Orthogonal PolynomialsHBCBN 

               Probability Functions0FMTUG 

               Riemanns Zeta Functions1CKZXC 

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