Use the Simplify > Variable Substitution command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+W to substitute values for each of the variables in the currently highlighted expression or subexpression.  This command displays a dialog box that lists the variables in the highlighted expression and a line for entering the values to be substituted for the variables.  After clicking on a variable, click on the Substitution line and enter the replacement value for the variable (see Entering Mathematical ExpressionsEntering_Mathematical_Expressions).  Alternatively, press Shift+ (i.e. the down arrow key) to highlight the next variable without having to use the mouse.

When satisfied with the replacement values, click on the OK button or press the Enter key to make the substitutions and add the result as the last expression in the active algebra window.  Click on the Simplify button or press Alt+S to simplify the result before adding it as the last expression in the active algebra window.  Click on the Cancel button or press the Esc key to abort the command.

You can also use the SUBST function to substitute values for variables or subexpressions of an expression, serially or in parallel.  Given an expression u, a variable or subexpression v, and a value w, SUBST(u, v, w) replaces all occurrences of v in u with w, simplifies, and then returns the result.  The expression can be followed by as many variables and values as desired, in which case the substitutions are made serially.  However, if the second argument of SUBST is a vector of variables and the third argument is a vector of values, the values are substituted for the variables in parallel.

Other Simplify commandsSimplify_commands 

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