The following summarizes improvements and bug fixes made in version 5.04 of Derive 5 released on 11 April 2001:

Algebra window items:

       The new File > Write > Rich Text Format File command makes it easy to convert Derive 5 worksheets into a format that can be loaded into word processing programs.  Then, these programs can be used to convert them into a format suitable for use on the Internet.  See the File > Write commandsI2E73C for details.

       Declared variables that have not been assigned a value are no longer included in the Variable Name list displayed by the Author > Variable Value command2SGW02B dialog box, thus reducing clutter and making it easier to verify other variable values.

       When a function definition is displayed in a worksheet, strings in the definition are now enclosed in double quotes so they can be easily identified as strings.

       When uninstalling Derive 5 through the program group shortcut or the Windows Control Panel, the uninstall program now finds the installation log even if the Derive 5 installation directory has spaces in its path name.

Plot window items:

       Sets of coordinate point pairs (for example, {­[2,3], [1,4], [0,2]} ) can now be included in a vector of expressions to be plotted in the 2D-plot window.

       Expressions involving the CEILING function can now be plotted without having to first simplify the expressions.

       When plotting a parameterized expression in the 3D-plot window, the s and t parameter values specified in the Insert > Plot dialog box are now properly correlated with the variables s and t occurring in the expression.

Mathematical items:

       The built-in string conversion function has been extended to handle function compositions, as well as numbers and variables.  This allows Derive 5 programs to analyze the structure of expressions.  See the String Processing FunctionsString_Processing_Functions for details.

       Numerous internal improvements have been made in the simplification of expressions involving the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, and their inverses, on the real line and in the complex plane.

       Multiple occurrences of the \ set difference operator now associate to the left, so that A \ B \ C is equivalent to (A \ B) \ C instead of A \ (B \ C).

       A problem adding two identical vectors having one or more 0 elements has been resolved.

       If the Calculus > Taylor Series commandMRJ3J4 or the TAYLOR function is given an equation or vector, the Taylor series of the elements of the equation or vector are returned.

Other Revision SummariesRevision_Summary 

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