Use the File > Write > Basic, File > Write > C, File > Write > Fortran, and File > Write > Pascal commands to save all or some of the expressions in the active worksheet as a Basic, C, Fortran, or Pascal source file, respectively.  The expressions in the source file are suitable for including in programs written in these four computer programming languages.

After issuing one of these commands, a standard Windows dialog box allows you to enter a name and extension for the source file.  If you do not specify an extension, the extensions BAS, C, FOR, and PAS are used for Basic, C, Fortran, and Pascal source files, respectively.  The dialog box also provides the option to save all the expressions in the active worksheet, or just the selected (i.e. highlighted) ones.

Use the File > Write > Rich Text Format File command or press Ctrl+R to save all of the objects (except OLE objects) in the active worksheet as a Rich Text Format (RTF) file.  RTF files are suitable for loading into many word processing programs, and these programs can in turn convert them into HyperText Markup Language (HTML) document files suitable for use on Internet web sites.

After issuing this command, a standard Windows dialog box allows you to enter a name and extension for the RTF file.  If you do not specify an extension, the extension RTF is used for the file.

The settings specified by the Algebra Window Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands determine the format of the RTF file as follows:

       Paper size, orientation as specified after pressing the Properties button on the File > Print commandL1I_12 dialog box

       Margins as specified by the Options > Printing > Page Setup command1LNIIYP

       Font size, style as specified by the Options > Printing > Expression Layout commandN0NZZV

       Font color as specified by the Options > Display > Font of All Expressions commandHIKJU8

       Inclusion of annotations and computation times as specified by the Options > Printing > Expression Layout commandN0NZZV

Note that the files resulting from any of the File > Write commands can not be reloaded into Derive.  To save expressions for reloading into Derive, use the File > Save command28BM_XL.  

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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