Version 5.06 Revision Summary
The following summarizes improvements and bug fixes made in version 5.06 of Derive 5 released on 10 October 2002:
Algebra window items:
• The Greek and math symbol toolbars are now correctly sized on computers with an existing installation of Derive for Windows 4.xx.
• Extremely large expressions (> 32768 pixels high) "wrapped to the worksheet" are now scrolled and displayed correctly on Windows 95/98/mE.
• The user can now abort or quit the process of opening a large MTH or DfW file by pressing the Esc key.
• When running Derive 5 on Windows 2000, the flicker has been reduced while entering text in a text box.
• When inserting a new text box, the text justification now defaults to the text box alignment set in the Options > Display > Alignment of New Objects command.
• When using the File > Write commands to create Basic, C, Pascal, or Fortran programming language files, the names of the files, including their pathnames, can now contain spaces.
• The Simplify > Variable Substitution command’s dialog box only presents for substitution the top-level variables of the highlighted expression.
• Expressions typed on the expression entry line that end in a ‘=’ no longer cause a syntax error when you click on the or
icons at the left end of the line, or you press Shift+Enter to approximate the expression.
Plot window items:
• When making 3D plots of expressions in spherical coordinates, the Greek letter θ (theta) is always assumed to represent the angle in radians from the positive x-axis, and φ (phi) the angle in radians from the positive z-axis.
• The font displayed in the 2D & 3D plot windows Insert > Annotation dialog box is the last font chosen by the user during that session. It no longer reverts back to the DfW5 Printer font every time a new annotation is inserted.
• When running Derive 5 on Windows 2000, a problem has been resolved that sometimes caused the system error: Application performed an illegal operation and will be shut down to occur when plotting expressions involving complex variables. The problem was due to a change made in Windows 2000.
Mathematical items:
• The performance of the breadth-first search algorithm used to factor integers has been significantly improved. For example, version 5.06 can factor the 50-digit integer 103842159916926272066458982346832814122533748701973 in a few seconds.
• Add rules for finding infinite sums of the form P(k)*x^k/(k+n)! where P(k) is a polynomial in k. For example, version 5.06 can sum k^2*x^k/k! for k=0 to infinity.
• System control variables (e.g. PrecisionDigits, Trigpower, etc.) can be used as local variables and temporarily assigned values in user-defined functions.
• When a user-defined function is being parsed, the definitions of any local variables externally defined as functions are temporarily removed so that they will be interpreted as variables during parsing.
• The built-in functions RE, IM, CONJ, and PHASE now distribute over the elements of vectors and matrices.
• Resolve a problem that prevented solving some systems of linear equations that called on elementary and other built-in functions.
• Several new utility file packages are included in the Users directory including ones for computing special functions and their derivatives, transforming expressions to make 2D and 3D plots, finding Laplace transforms and their inverses, plotting the five regular polyhedrons, plotting and integrating vector fields, and complex analysis.
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