The following summarizes improvements and bug fixes made in version 6.01 of Derive 6 released in 1 March 2004:

Algebra window items:

       Resolve problem with rogue character in Simplify > Variable Substitution commandGP2.L1 that occurs in some European language versions of the Windows operating system.

       RTF files created by the File > Write > Rich Text Format File commandI2E73C can now be opened in the version of WordPad installed with Microsoft Windows XP.  Additionally, plot objects embedded in worksheets are now properly aligned in the RTF file.

       Make 20% instead 50% the factory default for the percent of physical memory Derive allocates for itself when launched.

       Enable objects in the Derive algebra window to be scrolled using the wheel on all types of mice, including the Microsoft mouse.

       Allow ASCII character 26 to be included in mth files.

Plot window items:

       Improve the performance plotting expressions involving vector generating functions.

       Allow for the plotting of variables that have been assigned to data matrices.

       Resolve problems in the format of expressions sent to DPGraph for display.

       Prevent distortion of plots of expressions containing a slider bar variable when the slider bar is removed.

       The Greek letter π is now correctly saved in the Derive initialization file when chosen as the Horizontal or Vertical Scale factor using the Options > Display > Axes command1YH6GXP.

Mathematical items:

       Expand the coverage of the Display Step feature, particularly in the areas of symbolic integration and elementary function simplification.

       Resolve problems that prevented the Display Step feature from being able to step through the simplification of some expressions.

       Provide a vector dot product (also called inner product) operator that conjugates its second operand before multiplying.  For details, see Vector OperationsVector_Operations.

       Improve the performance factoring Mersenne numbers of the form 2^n-1.  For example, 2^170-1 factors in less than 1/5 the time it took earlier versions of Derive.

       If Display Steps mode is on when Derive is trying to factor an integer, the part of the integer that remains un-factored and the factoring method being used is displayed on the status line.  See Factoring NumbersFactoring_Numbers for a list of the methods Derive uses to factor integers.

       Improve the recognition of expressions that differ by an integer thereby improving the capabilities of the probability functions for computing permutations and combinations.

       Avoid unnecessary memory exhaustion messages that occurred when factoring or expanding some expressions involving radicals and/or complex variables.

       Make the financial functions properly handle the special case when the interest rate is zero.

       Significantly expand the class of integrands for which continuous antiderivatives can be found.

       Uniformly handle the case when nonscalar arguments (e.g. equations, vectors, sets) are given to the elementary, special, statistical, integer, and Calculus functions.

       Fix problem with assignments to variables done within the scope of the ITERATE function.

       Correct problem factoring some 8th degree quasi-symmetric polynomials.

       Improve the simplification of the arctangent function when given two arguments.

       No longer re-associate products of three or more vector since this transformation is not always valid.

       In the functions NSOLVE and NSOLUTIONS allow plus and/or minus infinity to be used as valid limits to the solution range.

       Prevent the memory exhaustion error message that occurred when the first argument of the QUOTIENT or REMAINDER functions was zero.

       Expand the class of limits that can be determined by improving the algorithm implementing LHopitals rule.

       If the operands of the set operators (i.e. complement, union, intersection) have logical values simplify them using the corresponding logical operators (i.e. negation, or, and), and vice versa.

       Properly solve equations where the square root of a linear expression equals zero.

       Improve the performance and accuracy when approximating the Riemann zeta function using the Euler-Maclaurin asymptotic series.

       The function STUDENT defined in the ProbabilityFunctions.mth0FMTUG utility file now gives the cumulative probability Students t-distibution function.

Other Revision SummariesRevision_Summary 

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