Use the Window commands to rearrange the existing windows, to open new plot windows, and to toggle on or off the display of tool and status bars.


       Tile Horizontally1911H2O 

       Tile VerticallyCYVMP 

       Display Tabs2L4QE0 

       New 2D-plot Window1XN1JOT 

       New 3D-plot Window162SZJB 

       Customize > Toolbars command8SF280 

       Customize > Commands commandBROSQF 

       Customize > Shortcut Keys commandIRRZBW 

A list of the open windows is displayed at the bottom of the Window command menu.  Each open window is preceded by a number.  Clicking on the window name or entering the number of the window makes it easy to activate that window.

Alternatively, the toolbars and function keys may be used to navigate between algebra, 2D-plot, and 3D-plot windows as follows:

       When in an algebra window, click on the icon on the command toolbar to go to a 2D-plot window.

       When in an algebra window, click on the icon on the command toolbar to go to a 3D-plot window.

       When in a 2D or 3D-plot window, click on the icon on the command toolbar or press Ctrl+1 to go to the associated algebra window.

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