Use the 2D-plot window Set > Aspect Ratio command or press Ctrl+A to examine and/or change the aspect ratio of the plot window.  The aspect ratio of a 2D-plot window is the ratio of its horizontal to vertical physical screen length in pixels.  The command's dialog box provides two fields for entering integers so the ratio of its horizontal and vertical lengths can be specified.  

Press the OK button to reduce the plot window in size as necessary to give it the desired aspect ratio.  Press the Cancel button to abort the command.  Press the Reset button to set an aspect ratio such that the horizontal distance between tick marks is the same as the vertical distance.

Sometimes it is desirable to make the horizontal scale of a plot window the same as the vertical scale.  For example, you may want the equation for a circle

x^2 + y^2 = 4

to plot like a circle instead of an ellipse.  Making the horizontal and vertical scales the same can be accomplished in two steps as follows:

       First use the Set > Plot Range > Length/center command1LDQ_MT to set the horizontal length equal to the number of horizontal intervals, and the vertical length equal to the number of vertical intervals.  For example, if the horizontal length of the Derive window is longer than the vertical length, you might want to set the horizontal length and intervals to 16, and the vertical length and intervals to 8.

       Then issue the Set > Aspect Ratio command, and click on the Reset button and the OK button to make the physical distance between horizontal and vertical tick marks the same.

When a 2D-plot object is embedded in an algebra window worksheet using the File > Embed commandGM11XH, the aspect ratio of the 2D-plot object will be the same as that of the 2D-plot window.  However, the aspect ratio of the 2D-plot object can be distorted if the object is resized in the algebra window.  To restore the original aspect ratio, double click on the 2D-plot object to reactivate the plot window, and then use the File > Update commandAKNMHK to update the aspect ratio of the 2D-plot object to that of the 2D-plot window.

Other 2D-plot Window Set commandsTLP_GA 

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