Click on the Options > Autoscale New Plots command to toggle on or off the automatic autoscaling of new plots.

Autoscaling is helpful to frame a plot so it lies within the plot region.  If automatic scaling is on, before an expression is plotted, it is evaluated at several sample points to estimate the range of values the expression assumes over the horizontal plot interval.  This estimate is then used to adjust the vertical length and center of the plot region so that the plot is properly framed.  Note that:

       Some parts of an autoscaled plot may lie outside the vertical plot region because only a sampling of data points is taken.

       Autoscaling adjusts both the vertical length and center of the plot region in order to autoscale the plot.

       Autoscaling does not adjust the horizontal plot range.

Other 2D-plot Window Options commands31KXD7M 

Other 3D-plot Window Options commands1M.H2H 

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