Use the Options > Display > Box command to control the display of the lines and titles of the box around the plot region in the 3D-plot window.  The display of the box can be turned on or off.  The default initial setting is to have the box turned on, since it is helpful in orienting 3D plots.  The titles of three sides of the box are displayed on the box edges.  The default initial titles are x, y, and z.

The Options > Display > Box command dialog box displays the following fields:


       Click the On button to turn on the display of the box.

       Click the Off button to turn off the display of the box.

       Click the Color button to select the color of the box lines.


       In the x side field, enter the title for the x side.  Leave this field blank if no title is desired.

       In the y side field, enter the title for the y side.  Leave this field blank if no title is desired.

       In the z side field, enter the title for the z side.  Leave this field blank if no title is desired.

       Click the Color button to select the color of the box titles.

Other 3D-plot Window Options commands1M.H2H 

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