The Users\ComplexAnalysis subdirectory of Derive includes a complex analysis package contributed free of charge by a Derive user.  If you have any questions about the package, please contact the author of the package directly.

ComplexAnalysis.dfw   Defines functions for solving typical problems in the field of complex analysis.  The functions are grouped in the following categories:

       Complex numbers (different forms of a complex number, arithmetic of complex numbers, and loci in the complex plane);

       Functions of a complex variable (real and imaginary parts of a complex function, and standard functions);

       Differentiation of complex functions (Cauchy-Riemanns conditions, analytic, and harmonic functions);

       Complex integrals (line integral of a complex function, analytic function integration, Cauchys integral formula, and the residue theorem); and

       Conformal mapping (basic conformal mapping, and the fundamental theorem).

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