The Users directory of Derive includes math packages contributed free of charge by various Derive users.  Some of the packages are distributed as a mth file with accompanying doc (documentation) and dmo (demonstration) files having the same name as the mth file.  Others packages are distributed as a dfw file, containing its own documentation and examples.  

The Users directory is divided into subdirectories for the following package categories:

Complex Analysis PackagesComplex_Analysis_Packages 

Discrete Mathematics PackagesDiscrete_Mathematics_Packages 

Equation Solving PackagesEquation_Solving_Packages 

Integration PackagesIntegration_Packages 

Linear Algebra PackagesLinear_Algebra_Packages 

Number Theory PackagesNumber_Theory_Packages 

Plotting PackagesPlotting_Packages 

Regression Analysis PackagesRegression_Analysis_Packages 

Simplex Method PackagesSimplex_Method_Packages 

Special Functions PackagesSpecial_Functions_Packages 

Tensor Algebra PackagesTensor_Algebra_Packages 

Transforms PackagesTransforms_Packages 

If you have any questions about a package, please contact the author of the package directly.  The author's name and address should be included in the documentation for each package.  

Other Help Contentsidh_Contents 

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