The Users\DiscreteMathematics subdirectory of Derive includes discrete mathematics packages contributed free of charge by Derive users.  If you have any questions about a package, please contact the author of the package directly.

ErrorCorrectingCodes.dfw   Contains utilities and demonstrations of a set of tools for generating and displaying some of the large matrices and tables involved in an introduction to a study of error-correcting codes.  Examples of how this can be carried out are given for:  standard form generator and parity-check matrices; codewords and minimum weights; syndrome look-up tables; cyclic codes; Hamming codes; Reed-Muller codes.  Some basic understanding of error-correcting codes is assumed.  This can be found in any good introduction to the topic, including: Hill, R. A First Course in Coding Theory. Oxford University Press (reprinted 1997); Baylis, J. Error Correcting Codes; A Mathematical Introduction. Chapman & Hall (1998); Open University. MT365 Graphs, Networks and Designs (Design 3: Design of Codes). OU (1995).

MultiValuedLogic.mth   Defines functions for constructing truth tables and for comparing propositions in a max/min multi-valued (w-valued) modal logic.  Modal multi-valued logics are described in Chapter 3 of R. Turner's Logics for Artificial Intelligence, Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1984.

NetworkGraphs.dfw   Provides a set of tools (together with demonstrations) for drawing a wide selection of network graphs.  Standard graph drawings include:  complete and complete bipartite graphs; Platonic graphs; the Petersen graph; the hypercube graph q4; a knights tour.  Graphs with bow edges, multiple edges, loops, directed edges and directed loops can also be drawn.  By combining basic concepts of network graphs with Derives powerful and algebraic 2D-plotting facilities a surprisingly powerful set of network graph drawing tools can be produced.

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